Independent science journalist, Interviewer, Explorer. I make complex topics understandable for everyone.
In pursuit of her stories, writer Faye Flam has weathered storms in Greenland, gotten frost nip at the South Pole, helicoptered into equatorial cloud forests and floated weightless aboard NASA’s zero-g plane.
She has a degree in geophysics from the California Institute of Technology and started her writing career as an intern with the Economist. She later took on the particle physics and cosmology beat at Science Magazine before coming to the Philadelphia Inquirer to write about science for the general public. She wrote two weekly science columns, starting with “Carnal Knowledge,” which covered the science of sex, and “Planet of the Apes” which explored the topic of evolution.
Since leaving the Inquirer she has written for The New York Times, Psychology Today, The Washington Post and She has taught science writing to college students and worked as a journalism critic for the Knight Foundation. She currently writes commentary pieces about science as a columnist for Bloomberg View.